From the Reading Chair

When You're Done

What are the different types of editing, and when do you need them?
One of the keys to success for a writer is an ability to pay attention to the macro as well as the micro, to the mundane as well as the sublime.
Writers often moan and groan about writing a synopsis. But there's no escape; you're going to have to do it.
The 'overnight' success of debut books is usually built on a development process spanning many, many years.
How does an editor help a writer with their manuscript? What do they do?
The right sort of feedback, from the right reader, at the right time will, without a doubt, make you a better writer.
We may not have control over the feedback we receive, but we do have control over the way we respond to it and what we do next – how we manage it.
Knowing when your work is ready to be launched into the wider world can be a difficult thing to pin down.
‘Resilient writers think of success and rejection as a package deal: If we want to accept writing success when it comes, we must be willing to accept writing defeat when it happens.'
To be a successful self-publisher you have to be a 'Jack of all trades'.
It can be confronting to let go of your precious baby and send your manuscript into the wider world of professional readers: assessors, editors, agents, publishers.
Thinking of self-publishing? Make sure you understand what's involved.