
‘Laurel’s assessment of the first 12,000 or so words of my manuscript was extremely helpful. She has an impressive knack of asking the right questions to help zero in on the heart of a story. This illuminated the path for me in my next draft, as I undertook the difficult task of carving away unnecessary detail or distractions in what was, at that time, an unwieldy 200,000 words. Our early collaboration helped me to submit a polished 50-page excerpt to my publisher of choice, resulting in a contract more quickly than I might have dared to hope.’

Kyra Geddes
The Story Thief
(Affirm Press)
Manuscript assessment and mentoring

‘I took Laurel’s The Next Draft course through Byron Writers Festival. She is a thorough and thoughtful teacher and helped me to look at my story structure from big picture to chapter structure, down to the minutia of sentence structure. I left her course with a sense of how to bring the disparate pieces of my story together so that it was cohesive and drove my story forward. It was a real turning point for me in understanding how to bring my manuscript alive. Thank you Laurel!’

Maggie Walters
(Blue Gum Publishing)

‘I couldn’t have written my book without Laurel.  When I sent her my first draft, I was lost and uncertain how to shape the manuscript. She suggested a structure that I had never considered. I followed her guidelines and rewrote the story which was dramatically improved. Laurel also worked with me on later drafts and copyedited the work. In the end, the book came out exactly how I wanted it to. Besides being a skillful editor, Laurel is a kind person who always made me feel supported in my writing.’

Ellen Holtzman
Bouncing Back
(Ferry Street Press, US)
Manuscript assessment and copyediting
Ten Thousand Aftershocks by Michelle Tom

‘Thank you so much for your help with the early part of my manuscript. I didn’t know quite what I expected of a manuscript assessment but you have given me a solid plan of attack, a great deal to think about and enough positivity to keep my spirits up. I carried your report with me through the development process, and it was important to me not only for what was contained within it, but as evidence that someone other than me really understood what I was trying to achieve.’

Michelle Tom
Ten Thousand Aftershocks
Manuscript assessment
Brave but Sheila Vijeyarasara

‘The process with Laurel was truly exceptional. She took me from a writer who had training wheels on, to a writer who had confidence in her voice and her story. I could not have secured a publishing deal without Laurel. She helped me to write a tight, well narrated and strong manuscript. She held my hand closely through the whole editing process. I am indebted to her forever!’

Sheila Vijeyarasa
Brave: Courageously Live Your Truth
(Rockpool Publishing)
Mentoring and manuscript assessment
Craig Semple, one of Laurel Cohn's clients

‘I wanted to say a big thank you for your help and guidance in helping me get my work to a point where it got the attention of a publisher. I signed a two book contract and my first book has now been released. Madeline taught me so much with her objective, critical advice and also her encouragement in helping me believe my work had merit.’

Craig Semple
The Cop Who Fell to Earth
(Echo Publishing)
Manuscript assessment

‘I wanted to say thank you for your input to eventually getting a publisher and the crucial part your course on Nailing Your Pitch was to that. It was in that course that I realised I needed to hone my theme and the focus of the book to childhood memories of a pool and was when I came up with the title The Memory Pool. So thank you very much, Laurel!’

Therese Spruhan
The Memory Pool
(New South Publishing)
Mark Eliott, one of Laurel Cohn's clients

‘I wrote my book sitting between glassblowing sessions in a café, with my laptop among strangers. As I wondered through the unfolding terrain of the story, I would sometimes see my editor Helen Williams finding her own way through the landscape until our paths intersected and we would tell each other what we’d seen along the way. I looked forward to the phone calls and emails which yielded fresh insights. As a first-time novelist I often needed someone to hold my hand and Laurel Cohn chose well in matching us up.’

Mark Eliott
Essence of Cloud
(Mark Eliott Books)
Manuscript assessment and copyediting
Salt Rain by Sarah Armstrong

‘Laurel’s assessment of my manuscript was detailed and insightful. She not only addressed technical matters such as structure and plot, but was able to provide an overview of themes and character development in a way that was very helpful, even in the later edits for publication. I was so close to my manuscript that I had lost perspective and Laurel’s report offered me a clear idea of what I needed to do before submitting it to an agent, while also confirming what was working in the manuscript.’

Sarah Armstrong
Salt Rain
(Allen & Unwin) Shortlisted Dobbie and Miles Franklin Awards
Manuscript assessment
She Down There by Lynton Francois Burger

‘Laurel, your initial assessment of my manuscript was thorough, insightful and structured in such a way that I could immediately get to work with taking it to the next level. You are a passionate and engaging teacher, a consummate professional with a depth of experience across genres. I am indebted to you for your significant contribution, seminal really, to my growth as a writer! You will forever be my first master.’

Lynton Burger
She Down There
(Penguin Random House South Africa)
Manuscript assessment
My Year without Matches by Claire Dunn

‘After struggling to complete my first draft I was lucky enough to be recommended to Laurel. Her astute editorial assistance helped build strong structural bones and a clear narrative arc. Laurel clearly understood the challenges and opportunities of memoir and helped me to see where I lost and found my voice. Her support and encouragement extended far beyond the job description and was chicken soup for this writer’s soul.’

Claire Dunn 
My Year Without Matches
(Black Inc)
Manuscript assessment
Dead Money by Srinath Adiga

‘I’ve found a publisher for my book! It’s been a bit of a journey and I’d like to thank you for being with me on it. Publishing as you know is a very subjective business. Your feedback made me believe in the concept and take it to the next level. I couldn’t have got here without your help. So big thank you!’

Srinath Adiga
Dead Money
(Central Avenue Publishing)
Manuscript assessment
Liar Bird by Lisa Walker

‘I love how you have gone to the heart of the story, which was eluding me. I knew there were some themes there, but having them articulated strongly by you is almost a revelation. I now feel very inspired to progress to the next stage of rewriting. Thank you also for your encouragement and detailed feedback. I had really lost my way a bit with this story, but think I’ve found it again. I will press on!’

Lisa Walker
Liar Bird
Manuscript assessment

‘Receiving Laurel’s report on an early draft of my manuscript proved invaluable. I am incredibly grateful for Laurel’s early input. Her astute and insightful comments helped give me a clearer sense of direction and helped direct me towards the next stage of the manuscript’s development. In addition to a detailed overview, her clear comments covered important areas such as structure, use of tenses and general problems. Her report ended with suggestions for the next steps which helped define the direction I would then take. All in all an incredibly helpful experience! Thanks Laurel!’

Oren Siedler
Bruce & Me
(Random House)
Manuscript assessment
How I rescued my Brain by David Roland

‘Laurel helped me to polish the first three chapters of my manuscript when this was about all I had written of my memoir. I used these chapters, together with a chapter outline for the rest of the book, to secure a publishing contract. I have found that every bit of expertise along the way helps, and Laurel’s input made a difference to my proposal.’

David Roland
How I Rescued My Brain
Manuscript assessment
Tarab by Cark Cleves

‘My book ‘Tarab: travels with my guitar’ would not have been published without the expert help and advice of Laurel Cohn. Her invaluable and generous help with plot design, character development, proofreading and overall structure lifted my drafts to a level of quality where my book was received with enthusiasm by a publisher and with excellent reviews in the press. I must strongly recommend editor Laurel Cohn to anyone that dreams of seeing their work published. Her professional expertise, patience and appreciation for my writing were the best gift my book could have hoped for.’

Carl Cleves
Tarab: travels with my guitar
(Transit Lounge Publishing)
Structural editing and copyediting
The Magician's Way by William Whitecloud

‘Laurel treated my manuscript with a deep appreciation for exactly what it was, both in terms of its style and content. I was very impressed with her deft and economical touch. With surprisingly few flourishes she managed to enhance my own voice while massively improving the structure and readability of my manuscript. Of all the aspects of writing and producing my book, working with Laurel was by far the most pleasant. She’s a magician, no doubt about it!’

William Whitecloud
The Magician’s Way
(Wizdom Press, New World Library)
Manuscript assessment, structural editing
The FInest Gold by Brad Cooper

‘Laurel was among the first to offer constructive feedback on my early attempts at the manuscript which would (7 years later!) become The Finest Gold, a memoir of my competitive swimming career. Writing is a mercurial act, and the sooner you get help pushing it around, the sooner it takes shape. Thanks Laurel.’

Brad Cooper
The Finest Gold
Manuscript assessment
Bella's Backyard Bullies by Samantha Turnbull

‘A couple of years ago you assessed my children’s manuscript. Just letting you know that after letting it collect dust for a while I sent it off earlier this year and I’ve just signed a four-book deal with Allen and Unwin. I had no idea if it was decent or not, but your extremely positive feedback gave me the confidence to try my luck with a publisher. So, thanks!’

Samantha Turnbull
The Anti-Princess Club Series
(Allen & Unwin)
Manuscript assessment
A Dangerous Daughter by Dina Davis

‘I’ve been meaning to write to you for ages, but have been flat out with the promotion and launch of A Dangerous Daughter. You’ve been an enormous help and inspiration to me all through the painful months of draft after draft, keeping me going when my confidence flagged, and finding flaws that I missed myself. Thank you again for all your help.’

Dina Davis
A Dangerous Daughter
(Cilento Publishing)
Mentoring and manuscript assessment
Cover of The Writer's Guide by Irina Dunn

‘Laurel Cohn can turn a rough diamond of a manuscript into a polished gem of a book. She is expert in structural editing, copy editing and proofreading, and offers insights into your work that will help you realize your publishing goal.’

Irina Dunn
The Writer’s Guide
(Allen & Unwin)
Structural editing
Your Sould Purpose by Brendan Nichols

‘Laurel Cohn, did an outstanding job in editing and providing valuable feedback in my book. At all times she was genuinely interested in my project and often gave me great insight in how I could improve the text. The book went on to become a best seller as a self-published book and then published by Harper Collins.’

Brendan Nichols
Your Soul Purpose
(Harper Collins)
Structural editing and copyediting

‘Laurel was easy to communicate with, very clear in her thoughts and prompt with her responses to any questions I had. She edited an early draft of the manuscript, and gave me valuable feedback on structure, grammar and the style of my writing. I found her comments to be insightful and relevant, and an important basis for writing the next draft of the book. I would happily use Laurel’s services again.’

Jamie Mushin
Quit for Life
(Penguin Books)
Manuscript assessment

‘When I first began the process of writing my book, which eventually became The Rhythm Diaries, Laurel got me on the path. Her guidance was clear, precise, well-informed and was generously offered to me. I learnt so much from her in terms of the very broad areas that writing, editing and publishing. A thousand questions asked by me and a thousand answers given! She has a great eye, mind and heart.’

Greg Sheehan
The Rhythm Diaries
Editorial consultation
Girl Woman Matriarch By Marjorie Lord

‘I have greatly appreciated all the help, support and feedback you have given to me throughout my journey in creating the book Girl Woman Matriarch: Wisdom Love Connection. Although the process was pretty daunting for me at many stages along the way, your professional help got me through it all. I can’t express my thanks to you enough.’

Marjorie Lord
Girl Woman Matriarch
Structural editing, copyediting and proofreading

‘Laurel Cohn was a wonderful surprise. I never expected to find an editor with such a fine and sensitive talent, as well as being thorough and conscientious. She was able to advise me in ways which greatly improved my work. Indeed, saved it!’

Victoria Thompson
City of Longing
(Australian Scholarly Publishing)
Manuscript assessment
Breaking Through the Pain Barrier by Gabriella Kelly-Davis

‘After implementing Laurel’s advice about structure, tone, flow, backstory, what stays and what goes, my manuscript took off! Without Laurel’s guidance, I doubt Breaking Through the Pain Barrier would be in its second print run six weeks after it launched. Thank you, Laurel.’

Gabriella Kelly-Davies
Breaking Through the Pain Barrier
(Hawkeye Books)
Editorial consultation

‘I have enjoyed my whirlwind journey and ‘bookmaking’ with you tremendously and I want to thank you sincerely for your skill, insight, lightness and patience, but more than that, the way you made me feel. And that was that I could do it!

Patt Gregory
Woodwork for Women
(Woodwork for Women)
Manuscript assessment, copyediting, proofreading

‘Through Laurel’s skills and wisdom she has taught me so much as she has prepared the manuscript to be sent to the printer for publication. Thanks to Laurel, not only do I have a beautiful book, Look to See – The Art of Drawing, but my computer skills and confidence in my work have grown enormously.’

Hilary Kerr
Look to See
(Look to See Publishing)
Manuscript assessment, copyediting, proofreading

‘Thank you Laurel for your insightful guidance and direction in the creation of Inner Sky. Your early assessment and editorial review was invaluable, allowing me to enhance my story structure, discover my voice and see the true heart and purpose of Inner Sky. I am truly blessed to have found you. Deepest gratitude.’

Steven Layer
Inner Sky
(Layer Consulting)
Manuscript assessment

‘Very many of my readers have complimented me on the structure of the book. It was your suggestion that I change this from a chronological order to moving it back and forth from the love story to the death story. You were so right, and I know this book is much better for your professional input.’

Kate Ramsay
Go With Love
Manuscript assessment
Finding Artemisia by Denise Greenaway

‘Laurel Cohn is reliable, punctual and goes out of her way to be available. Her editing skills are as sharp as a bird’s beak, pecking at weak stitches, revealing gaping holes: at times unravelling, at other times tightening the very threads, but never, never, missing a dropped stitch.’

Denise Greenaway
Finding Artemisia
(Balboa Press)
Manuscript assessment

‘Laurel is practical and motivating in her approach; somewhat intuitive too. I enjoy working with Laurel as I know she understands what I am trying to achieve in completing my first book.’

Sallyanne Pisk
Eating For You
(Eating For You)
Manuscript assessment, editorial consultation

‘I approached Laurel with the first manuscript that I wanted to see through to publishing.  She looked at the manuscript as a whole and highlighted the weakness – what wasn’t plausible and which characters needed more work.  And she did so in a manner that was both encouraging and sensitive. The end result for me, as a self-publishing author, is a work that is well rounded and professional. I highly recommend her to new authors.’

Jennifer Collin
Set Me Free
Manuscript assessment

‘I have read your report and am excited because I agree with all your observations and insights. It is wonderfully helpful! I have found this memoir to be the most difficult thing I’ve ever written, because it became a personal process along with my intention for it to be for a wider readership. n the end my brain was full and I couldn’t see clearly! Your report is a brilliant guide for me. It is comprehensive, insightful, sensitive and clear; your guidelines for rewriting are spot-on.’

Wendy Dartnall
A Wind from the West
(Balboa Press)
Manuscript assessment

‘Masterful is how I would describe the efforts of Laurel Cohn. As an editor, her suggestions, advice and constructive comments opened up my options better than the way things were without compromising the essence of what I wanted to capture in my story. My experience with Laurel has been reflective and empowering, and made me look at what I have learned and to embrace it. What I really enjoyed was being able to talk with Laurel without being judged.’

Paul Ishiguchi
Yearning to Go Home
(Give It Time Productions)
Manuscript assessment, copyediting

‘Working with Laurel was easy, effortless and fun. Her editing style is constructive and insightful. She particularly helped me with the internal structure of my book, transforming it from something rather clumsy into a layout that really serves my message. I will happily use her services again.’

Pollyanna Darling
The Relationship Revelation
Manuscript assessment, copyediting
Boo and the Big Storm by Wendy Lawrence

‘I’ve got some wonderful news: Boo and the Big Storm is the winner of the Children’s Reader category in the Whitley Awards of the Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales. Thank you, again, for all your help – we wouldn’t have had a chance of winning without your magic!’

Wendy Lawrence
Boo and the Big Storm
(Wild Publishing)
Manuscript assessment, copyediting

‘I can’t tell you enough how extremely helpful your 12 page report was to restructuring and getting things in a better order and working out who’s story it really is. And your jottings on the paper, and your yellow posits.  Most of them so spot on, merely had to follow your advice. It amazes me how you can hold the story, the characters and the message all in your head while you read it. Thank you for the prods and pushes and pointing me in a direction that worked, or at least I hope it has worked.’

Sandra Heilpern
Like There’s No Tomorrow
(Cilento Publishing)
Manuscript assessment

‘I’ve just received an advance copy of the book and I’m ecstatic with the finished product. Laurel, I can’t believe how lucky I was to find you on the internet. Your knowledge of the editing and production process was invaluable. Thanks so much for your help and advice with all the small details that have made the book so clear and so easy to read. It was great to have your help throughout the production and printing process too. Whenever I was unsure, you were always there.’

Neil Davies
Fear-free Horse Training
(Kip Corp)
Publishing consultation, copyediting, proofreading

‘With Laurel’s very sharp pencil and trusty pad of post-it notes, one has a knight in shining armour standing at the ready. She comes to the rescue with equal measures of that stern English teacher and a compassionate friend. She can see what you are trying to say and make it sparkle and glimmer with clarity.  All with a deep respect to your unique voice. I feel so fortunate to have had her fine work on my book!’

Kristina Olsen
They Paid Us in Tub Time
Manuscript assessment

‘I had an over-grown historical fiction manuscript and the desire to transform it into a book. I attended one of Laurel’s workshops where I gained valuable insight into the art of crafting and focusing a story. Laurel recommended me to one of her colleagues and I was delighted with the structural edit I received. Advice on structure and story line, plot building, narration and point of view, character development and narration were invaluable.’

Pam Wood
Waiting in the Wilderness
(Forty South Publishing)
Manuscript assessment, structural editing
Eighty-Seven Castle Lane by Jimmy Webb

‘Reaching out to Laurel to get my manuscript appraised was one of the best writing decisions I’ve made. The assessment I received was thorough and timely, and I was struck by how the assessor, Helen, engaged so seriously with my work. I could certainly feel the effort and reflection she’d put into appraising what I had written. She was sincere with her feedback and generous with her time, and deftly pointed out the strengths and the weaknesses in what I had written. Most importantly though, she instilled in me – however accidentally – a confidence to keep writing. What more could you ask for from a manuscript appraisal?’

Jimmy R. Webb
Eighty-Seven Castle Lane
Manuscript assessment

‘Laurel has been meticulous in identifying structural weaknesses, plot holes and my writing lapses and bad habits. She takes the time to understand her client and give focused advice in a friendly and tactful manner. Her input has lifted my writing to a higher standard and I owe my recent successes to her guidance.’

Jennifer Hoff
Postcards From Kaanapali
Manuscript assessment

‘I’m so very grateful for the editing advice and support you gave me while I journeyed along the road to self-publication.’

Lucy Taylor
Through Their Eyes: Glimpses of a Changing Australia
(Brigalow Press)
Manuscript assessment, publishing consultation

‘It is 3.30am and I have just completed editing my manuscript. Before I catch a few hours sleep I wanted to thank you for setting me on the right track. Your service turned out to be invaluable. I hadn’t been aware of how many mistakes I was making until you pointed them out. As you know, I have held an aversion to editors because in the past I have received only harsh criticism in my dealings with them. Your criticism (guidance) was at all times constructive and encouraging. I will send you a copy of my book when it comes out.’

Jodi Lantz
Manuscript assessment

‘WOW What a terrific report! I see you picked up on the parts of the story that I found most difficult to write. Thank you so much. Your expertise is much appreciated and the standard of your report is exemplary.’

Lesley Killingbeck
Manuscript assessment

‘Laurel Cohn’s editorial report on my picture book manuscript was clear and detailed. The report went beyond giving feedback on language to include analysis of the structure, theme and characters of my story, revealing flaws and suggesting solutions. Laurel’s fresh perspective cut beneath the surface. It exposed underlying structural weaknesses I couldn’t see, giving me the opportunity to fix my storyline and help me get to the next level with my concept. Thanks Laurel!’

Laura Kuchel
Manuscript assessment

‘I have been poring over your assessment notes at every opportunity. I am so impressed with the attention to detail, care and sensitivity you have taken with my work. Thank you. It’s funny how someone else’s perceptions can suddenly brush the scales from one’s eyes as it were. I especially like the way you have offered possible solutions to the shortcomings in the ms. I have learnt a great deal in the short time I have been writing fiction, mostly by reading, trial and error, as well as taking a few workshops. Nothing, however, beats a professional critiquing of one’s own work such as you have given. I am grateful for your input and you have inspired further effort to bring the work up to a publishable level. Thanks again Laurel. I will have no hesitation recommending your expertise to other aspiring writers.’

Robyn Haynes
Manuscript assessment

‘Laurel Cohn reviewed my memoir manuscript. In the edits, her report and subsequent discussion she delivered value in excess of what I’d hoped. Her technical ability with structure, language, style, grammar was spot on and greatly enhanced my work. In addition Laurel understood the essence of my work better than I and her guidance helped me to adopt a more relevant and effective point of view and voice.’

James Webb
Manuscript assessment

‘I received the manuscript yesterday and your assessment was worth every cent and I just wanted to thank you. I agreed completely with everything you wrote. It was concise and told me everything I needed to know; not just about this manuscript but my writing strengths and errors in general. Thanks again.’

Nathan Tyrer
Manuscript assessment

‘I just wanted to let you and Madeline know that after I read through your feedback I was excited to get to work on the next draft. Your input has made the manuscript considerably stronger. The suggestions highlighted what I sensed but was struggling to articulate. I can already say money well spent. Thank you’

Vanessa Adams
Manuscript assessment

‘I just received the report from Helen giving me incredible inspiration to again tackle my novel. Her knowledge and approach to encourage me is very much appreciated. Thank you both and I will tackle this new adventure with renewed enthusiasm. Having professional help for this novice’s work is invaluable.’

Kris Kleem
Manuscript assessment

‘In these days of what I call “typus excessus”, it’s not the literary novel that’s suffocating; it’s the ability to read accomplished works of fiction. Good readers are hard to find – much harder than what are so often considered (wrongly) as “good writers”.  You, Ms. Cohn, are not only an exceptional reader, but you have something more. You speak the writer’s language.’

Manuscript assessment

‘Thank you so much for your excellent work on my manuscript. Your report is comprehensive and has given me definite answers to the questions I have been asking myself as I’ve been writing. I needed to receive your objective assessment. It’s most useful, Laurel, I appreciate very much what you’ve done for me. It’s a gift.’

Pauline McKelvey
Manuscript assessment

‘When I first considered using your assessment service, I wondered whether it would be worthwhile. Now I can say …  Hugely so. Thanks so much! Your editorial report is a wealth of information and good comment. There are aspects in the manuscript that I felt needed attention, and you have nailed almost every one, and highlighted others. Also, it makes me realise how naive I was, believing that I could just sit down and write a readable novel without bothering to discover the important technique of character development, structure etc., all of which you cover so well. Thanks again for your input.’

Colin Jacobson
Manuscript assessment

‘I found Helen’s comments to be incisive and helpful. She raised some good points about many things, and it was good for me to see that much of the novel was working as I had hoped, and surprising to see how an astute reader found themes and ideas in there that I may only have considered subconsciously. I am delighted with the feedback, and it has spurred me into re-editing.’

Stewart Sheargold
Manuscript assessment

‘Madeline’s comments are really comprehensive and so valuable, I really appreciate all the work and thought that has gone into the assessment, and the technical details she was able to convey that will teach me such a lot. Everything has to sink in and there will be much to do, but I’m so glad I took this step before taking the manuscript to any agents or publishers. It’s exactly the kind of feedback that I needed.’

Aislinn Batstone
Manuscript assessment

‘I’d like to express my appreciation for the superb quality of work provided by Maria Simms in assessing my manuscript, Mama’s Courage. Her gentle and constructive guidance provided much relief and encouragement in preparation for the next stage of manuscript development. When I finally had an opportunity to read the report and review the mark-ups, my motivation soared. Maria was a ghost tutor in the manuscript assessment process. She has helped hone my writing skills and bring this book to life. Thank you!’

Lisa Matousek
Manuscript assessment

‘Got the report for my manuscript and am very impressed with how thorough and insightful Madeleine is. It was exactly the ‘fresh eyes’ I needed and gives me focus and direction (for this and other writing projects!). Thanks so much – will definitely recommend your ed consults to my writerly friends!’

Louise Ralph
Manuscript assessment

‘Hi Madeline, I wanted to write and say thank you for the professional and incredibly helpful edits you did on my manuscript, Exchange Me. I have poured over your feedback, ordered the books you recommended and started the planning and thinking for the second draft. The process of having your eyes on the work brought so much clarity and encouragement. I really appreciate your attention to detail and interest in this work.’

Margot Shave
Manuscript assessment

‘Thank you so much for your insightful editing of my manuscript. I found Helen’s comments spot on. They resonated with areas I had felt disquiet about. The problems identified are glaring with help from your precise feedback. It was so helpful having both the positives and negatives pointed out. As a newbie writer, discovering the strengths was equally enlightening. I couldn’t be happier with this edit, and will be looking to your agency for future support.’

Shannon Anima
Manuscript assessment

‘I am very happy with the work that Maria Simms has done on my manuscript. The feedback has helped the book generally read better and has sharpened the message. Truly valuable! Please pass on my deep appreciation for the work she completed.’

Warren Mayocchi
Manuscript assessment

‘Thank you for the feedback and incredible insights – they are (as always), much appreciated. You are SO good at what you do and I really enjoy learning from you. I remain in awe of your critical thinking process whenever I receive your feedback, and it always helps me find my way to the next level.’

Randy Gadient

‘I always come away from our sessions inspired and uplifted – with greater clarity and ready to make my next steps with this crazy manuscript of mine. Truly, working with you is the best decision I have made re my writing.’

Nicole Cody

‘I just wanted to say that I am most impressed with the assessment that you have provided for my work. It is comprehensive; it made me think about things that I hadn’t considered before and it is written in such a compassionate way that I feel understood yet I have a clear direction on how to do my next version.’

Ruby Usman
Manuscript assessment and mentoring

‘Having done a couple of workshops with Laurel, I had experienced first-hand her knowledge of anything story and was willing to wait for an available date for an assessment. My ms had gone through beta readers and received positive feedback, but Laurel turned my writerly world upside down by challenging me to rethink tense, POV, my heroine’s arc and other minor details. Three weeks of intense rewriting, following all her guidelines, and recommendations, and here I am with a much better novel. Laurel notices everything from the overall structure to an out of place em-dash. I will trust her with all my future ‘babies’.’ 

Charlotte French
Manuscript assessment

‘Thank you for the report. The detail and analysis was fantastic – it was exactly what I was looking for. Your comments and observations made a lot of sense. I’ve been thinking about how to go about the changes and will start on them now!’

Aaron Amavisca
Manuscript assessment